Where To Stay Safest In A Hotel
Finding the perfect hotel may seem like an uphill battle but once you've found your temporary home, here are a few things to keep in mind as to where you'll be the most safe within your hotel.
A common concern while traveling is safety, as humans we seem to fear the unkown and when traveling abroad sometimes that fear gets brought to the surface. Staying in hotels abroad can be different but there are some tips as to where to stay.
To prevent theft from your room, stay above the ground and 1st floor. Theives that come through hotels won't usually make the effort to walk up 6 fights of stairs to take your items. Although most hotels have security parameters set in place to avoid any robberies, things happen. By staying above the first two floors, you're minimizing your chance for disaster to hit.
If, in the most extreme case, there's a fire, there are floors that are safest too. Stay below the 7th floor. Most firefighting equipment can't reach higher than 7 stories, so staying below enables you to get reached by firefighters sooner. Also, if you're on the 20th floor of a hotel, keep in mind that if there were an emergency, you would have to walk down 20 flights of stairs to get to safety.
Although the view is better the higher up you get, make sure that you're aware of your hotel's safety parameters and evacuation routes. You never know and it's always better to be prepared.
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